When we worry about the safety of our family and our home, we often think about scary situations involving a home intruder or even some kind of natural disaster. But you should know there’s another culprit capable of causing harm to you and your loved ones— and it’s already right inside your house.
A dirty, damaged or leaking furnace can be very dangerous and even deadly, which is why it’s essential to recognize the symptoms that would indicate it’s at risk of being hazardous. Always watch out for these six signs your heater is trying to kill you, courtesy of your friends at Mission AC & Plumbing.
Three Signs Of Fire Risk
Keeping an eye out for any signs of fire risks within or around your heater is crucial for the health and safety of your household. In fact, more than one in six house fires in the U.S are linked to home heating equipment according to the National Fire Protection Association.
Would you like to avoid being part of this statistic? Well then, don’t miss these familiar signs of heater related fire risks.
1. Excessive Heat Build-Up
Extreme temperature build-up brought on by overheating parts or high gas pressure is a recipe for disaster. Exceeding the unit’s maximum heat tolerance can lead to a fire or even an explosion.
2. Dust Around The Ignitor
As simple as it seems, even dust in your heater is capable of starting a fire. Because dust is so flammable, it can catch fire just by sitting on an extremely hot surface or even being ignited by a tiny spark.
3. Restricted Air Flow
An overly dirty air filter or other obstructions can cause your furnace to have a restricted air flow. This requires your system to work much harder, sometimes overworking the motor which can potentially lead to a fire.
Three Signs Of Carbon Monoxide Leak
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas produced by your furnace that you cannot see or smell. Breathing in too much of it can cause you to feel harsh flu-like symptoms and even has the potential to kill you. Faulty or improper ventilation can cause this deadly gas to be unknowingly circulated throughout your home, slowly poisoning whoever is inside.
Always look out for these common signs of carbon monoxide poisoning and seek immediate medical attention if you think you’ve been affected.
1. Flu-Like Symptoms
- Nausea and vomiting
- Breathing problems and chest pain
- Difficulty concentrating or confusion
- Passing out
If you suspect that a room or building may have a CO leak, immediately evacuate it and call our Mission AC professionals for assistance.
2. Flame Color
Flames igniting from your gas appliances should always burn blue. If you notice that flames are burning another color like yellow or orange, it could indicate high levels of CO in the air.
3. Carbon Monoxide Detector Alerts
Carbon monoxide detectors are essential in the health and safety of your family and your home. Alerting you when dangerous levels of CO are detected indoors, these devices can literally be the difference between life and death.
The Mission Of Heater Maintenance
The CDC says that around 50,000 people visit emergency departments every year because of CO poisoning, and over 400 people die from it. This is why it’s so important to keep up with regular heater maintenance!
Carbon monoxide poisoning can be prevented 100% of the time as long as the right precautions are taken. Professional furnace repairs and maintenance are the key to keeping your family and your home safe from an unexpected CO related disaster.
Houston Heater Repair
Don’t downplay the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or fire; it happens more than you think. Our team of dedicated technicians here at Mission AC & Plumbing in Houston wants to help protect you and your loved ones the best way we know how. Call us to schedule your seasonal tune-up and have all of your furnace questions answered, today!