Because your plumbing system is one you don’t see in its entirety, you might not give it the time and attention it needs to perform at its best, which can result in the need for professional leak repair in Houston. Here at Mission A/C and Plumbing, we’re committed to not only delivering our services, but explaining them as well so customers have a better idea of what we do and how their plumbing system works so they can take the best care of it. Learn more about the causes of leaks, how you can take care of some plumbing issues on your own and how you can prevent leaks from happening in the first place.
Common Causes of Water Leaks
One of the best ways to prevent plumbing leaks is to educate yourself on what triggers them in the first place. The age of your plumbing system, your home’s water quality, chemical content and chemical reactions can all lead to corrosion and rust in your plumbing system and fixtures, which can pave the way to leaks. It’s best to schedule regular inspections of your plumbing system so you’re aware of minor problems before they become major ones that require leak detection service.
Cracks, leaky joints and poor faucets are additional common causes of water leaks. Generally, horizontal galvanized piping is a major culprit for water leaks. This is a common material used in homes built prior to ~1980. New pex piping has a much greater resilience to leaking than galvanized steel.
Take a Look for Yourself
You may not be a plumbing master, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spot trouble. Every couple of months, take a look at your home’s exposed pipes and plumbing fixtures for signs of rusting, corrosion and leaks. If something looks, smells or even sounds out of place, call in a professional for an inspection. It’s always best to use caution when it comes to your plumbing system.
Know When to Bring in the Pros
While there are some plumbing fixes you can easily take care of on your own, other’s require some professional expertise. Plumbing leak repair in Houston should be tended to by expert plumbers. If you decide to take care of a leak in your house on your own, at least call us out to take a look at your work once you’re done to ensure everything is in good order. Sometimes, leaks are a sign of a bigger problem, and just because you take care of the leak doesn’t necessarily mean everything is alright. Rather than just fix the symptom, you want to make sure you actually take care of the problem.
Take Good Care of Your Water Heater
As you’re giving your exposed pipes an examination, do the same to your home’s water heater. Your water heater is an appliance you want to do everything you can to take great care of it, mainly because you rely on it to provide you and everyone else in your home with hot water, and also because water heaters are expensive. One of the largest issues with water heaters is they can start to leak at the base when the lining starts to wear down. It’s best to put a pan underneath the water heater to keep the dripping water from spreading everywhere.
Additionally, you should know that water heaters tend to last anywhere from 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced. If your water heater is reaching this age, do yourself a favor and start looking into getting a new one now before you have major problems. Being proactive about water heater replacement gives you time to save up for a new one and find the perfect replacement.
DIY Plumbing Fixes
If you’d like, we’d be more than happy to share a few DIY tips you can use to keep your plumbing system in good shape. Such tips range from the toilet refill tube, toilet shut-off valve and toilet tank leaks to ceramic disc faucets, compression faucets and toilet flush valve.
Have a leak in your home or any other type of plumbing problem? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Mission A/C and Plumbing. Give us a call at 713-520-2012, or fill out and submit a Contact Us form found here on our site whenever you’re ready.