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When Is The Best Time To Have Your Air Conditioner Cleaned?

One of the best things you can do for your HVAC system is to perform regular maintenance on it. There are several very important benefits that maintenance provides your AC unit that will save you money and keep you more comfortable. Mission AC is here to help you keep your heating and cooling system in great shape by telling you when and why to get a seasonal tune-up. 

What’s Included In An AC Tune-up?

AC companies have slightly different processes for AC tune-ups, but Mission AC has three main sections of our air conditioning maintenance. 

  • 20+ Point Diagnostic Evaluation – When our team is evaluating your unit, it just means we are testing and analyzing the functions. Each little mechanism and part in your unit can experience wear and tear, so it’s better that a technician identify any parts that need repair or replacing at this time. The more thorough we are at that time, the less chance there is that you’ll have complications arise later.
  • Condensate Line Flush – The condensate line keeps moisture from building up inside your unit. If any dust, dirt, or ice clogs this line, serious problems can occur since the water cannot be funneled out. Moisture is the enemy of the inner workings of your air conditioner, so we want to make sure it doesn’t have a chance to wreak havoc. Our team will flush and clean your line to ensure it can do its job properly. 
  • Condenser Coil Cleaning – The condenser coil plays an important role in removing heat from the refrigerant that is used to cool your air. If residue from the process accumulates on the coils, the entire system can be thrown off. Our technicians will give the coils a good cleaning during your tune-up.

Why Is AC Maintenance So Important?

Your AC unit may be performing just fine, and you may not think a tune-up is necessary. So, why should you schedule a tune-up? Here are four huge benefits of AC maintenance.

Save Money

AC units that are annually checked by an experienced HVAC technician are far less likely to have other repairs and costs throughout the year. It gives the professionals a chance to prevent any future breakdowns, which saves you money.

Also, a unit that is clean and in top working condition can perform at its maximum efficiency. Without faulty parts and slowed processes, AC units will be much more efficient in cooling your home. This will save you energy and saving energy means a lower utility bill. 

Increase Lifespan

If your AC unit is allowed to deteriorate without ever being checked or cleaned, it will absolutely not reach its estimated lifespan. Most AC systems have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, but without regular maintenance, you will begin to see breakdowns – or even total system failure – much sooner than that. 

High Air Quality

Tuning up your AC system also ensures that the filtration system is working properly. Keeping air contaminants out of your home is extremely important for your health – especially with family members who have sensitive respiratory conditions. A regular check of the type of filters you use as well as how often you’re replacing them will help make sure you have great air quality.

Greater Comfort

As part of testing the system, technicians will actually test how well the AC is cooling. This is a great time for a knowledgeable technician to identify any irregularities in the cooling of your home and make adjustments to better fit the needs of you and your family. There’s no reason you should be dissatisfied with your AC’s performance.

When Should You Schedule Maintenance?

The best rule to follow is to have maintenance done before you need the system the most. For many homeowners, this means in the spring before the weather has turned too hot. This allows time for technicians to visit your home and for repairs to be made. Also, AC companies will have more emergency AC repairs to deal with in the summer, so their schedules in the springtime will be more open. For Texas residents, we all know how insufferable the summer months can be, so it’s a great idea to have your AC system prepared to take on the heat. 

Of course, if you forget to schedule maintenance or need maintenance outside of the spring months, it’s still better to get maintenance done once a year than not at all. Technicians will be happy to service your unit any time of the year so that you can get the benefits of a finely tuned system. 

Ready To Schedule A Tune-up?

Mission AC is ready to help! We’re the best Houston AC tune-up team for you. We’ll check your system thoroughly and have you reaping the benefits of an AC unit in great working order. Contact us today for more information on your AC needs.

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